When you think of vacation, you need to plan the trip: Who’s traveling with you, for how long, and of course, what to bring.
We tend to pack the same things each time, such as clothing, accessories, toiletries, snacks, etc. But oftentimes, we end up packing more than just our luggage. There are three things that everyone hopes to leave at home, yet always manages to bring along:
Every summer, you road trip up the coastline with your friends and spend winter vacation on the beach with your family. You look forward to going and imagine having the best time, but not too long after starting the trip, little arguments start to break out (car temperature, food, pit-stops, etc). By the time the trip is over, everyone is glad to go home!
This can be exhausting and the drama adds stress to the trip. Why does it always have to follow us?
You’ve been working hard and haven’t had a break in months! You decide to take a week for vacation. Your boss said she wouldn’t bother you while you’re away, but you know there will be emails waiting for you the moment you get there.
You know you shouldn’t check them, but you don’t want to deal with an unhappy boss, right? What if you could enjoy your free time without feeling the pressure from work?
You’ve been away for a week and had nothing to do with anything that didn’t involve sunshine and margaritas. You felt like royalty! But in the back of your mind, you know it’s not going to last and you’ll soon be back in the thick of it.
Just the thought of it gives you a migraine. Wouldn’t life be better without all the “headaches”?
The reason we end up bringing these with us is because they’re already inside our minds.
In order to be free from the stress, we need to know the way to cleanse it from our minds. When you find that way and follow it, you’ll find that every day feels like a vacation, even when you’re not on vacation.
Your bags will feel lighter when you cleanse your mind.
Next Saturday, August 21, 2021, from 2:00-5:00 PM EST, you have a chance to experience the lightness for yourself!
Many people have already discovered the way for themselves:
This event is 100% donation-based and 50% of all donations received go to Shepherd Centers of America.
So don’t wait! Reserve your spot right now before they are all filled up!
We’ll see you there! 😎
— OnlineMeditationEvents.com Retreat Team