Healing Your Inner Child: A Journey to Wholeness

Start Your Journey

Wednesday, May 29th
8:00 PM - 9:30PM ET


In this transformative meditation workshop, we will embark on a journey of self-discovery and healing, exploring the power of inner child work. Through a combination of meditation, healing letter writing, and personal reflection, participants will gain a deeper understanding of their emotional landscape and learn to nurture the wounded aspects of their inner child.

In this workshop, you will:

  • Attend a thought-provoking lecture on the origins of inner child wounds and their impact on our adult lives.
  • Discover the healing potential of meditation as a powerful tool for integration and wholeness.
  • Engage in a guided meditation practice to connect with your inner child, fostering self-compassion and emotional resilience.
  • Participate in healing letter-writing exercises to facilitate communication with your inner child, encouraging the release of unresolved emotions and promoting self-forgiveness.
  • Enjoy quiet reflection time to process your experiences and deepen your understanding of your inner world.

Transform Your Life: Heal Your Inner Child

Are you burdened by recurring patterns or behaviors that you can't seem to shake? Do you suspect these issues may stem from unhealed wounds of your inner child? Do you yearn to uncover and resolve these emotional wounds?

In this transformative meditation workshop, we'll guide you on a journey of self-discovery and healing. Through meditation, healing letter writing, therapeutic self massage, and personal reflection, we'll help you uncover the root causes of your struggles and guide you toward freedom and wholeness. Imagine a life where you've healed the wounds of your inner child, where you've embraced your true self, and discovered a life of harmony and inner peace.

Photo by William Fortunato : William Fortunato photo

Workshop Schedule

  1. Welcome: Introduction and gratitude sharing
  2. Breathing Exercise: Calming mind and body
  3. Understanding the Mind: Explaining and reflecting
  4. Healing Letter Writing: To childhood self.
  5. Affirmation Meditation: Encouraging the inner child.
  6. Group Discussion: Sharing reflections.
  7. Testimonial: How meditation can bring you to wholeness.
  8. Relaxation Techniques: Experience soothing self-massage.
  9. Guided Meditation: Practicing letting go.

*A Special Gift: To continue your healing journey!

Meet Our Guides


Maria Klein


Maria, a dedicated meditation instructor with over ten years of experience, has guided thousands of individuals on their journey toward healing and overall well-being. Her calming presence and wisdom create a serene atmosphere during healing sessions. As a meditator herself, Maria has navigated her own challenges, including unresolved child wounds, anxiety, ADHD, depression, and sleep issues. With empathy and understanding, she is committed to supporting others on their path to healing, helping them discover their true wholeness within.

Evan Schwam


Evan, a meditation practitioner with 15 years of experience, is a co-host of the Better Sleep Program. His background as a professional musician and music teacher infuses his presence with vibrancy, instantly uplifting any atmosphere. By sharing his personal meditation journey, Evan creates a supportive environment where participants can fully embrace the transformative power of meditation, ultimately leading to enhanced sleep quality and overall well-being.


Floritza Leon

Yoga Instructor

Floritza is an experienced yoga teacher and wellness practitioner specializing in self-massage, breathwork, and sound therapy. With a passion for holistic wellness, she creates a supportive space where individuals can unwind and connect with their inner wisdom. By sharing her expertise and incorporating soothing talk-down, self-massage, and sound bowl sessions, Floritza helps others optimize their well-being and enhance healing.

asian woman head shot

Dr. Boas Yu

Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner / Professor

Dr. Boas is a professor at Fairleigh Dickinson University in New Jersey, specializing in meditation research. With a wealth of experience in the field, she combines her academic pursuits with clinical practice as a therapist and psychiatric nurse practitioner. Her expertise lies in treating patients experiencing depression, anxiety, PTSD, and insomnia, bringing a holistic approach to mental health care.


Maribel Parvini

Meditation Practitioner

Maribel began her meditation journey at 21, experiencing the life-changing benefits of meditation. Inspired to help others, she now shares her expertise by promoting healthy sleep habits and creating a nurturing space for individuals seeking improved sleep quality. Drawing on personal experience, Maribel supports those who wish to embrace meditation's transformative power for better sleep and overall well-being.


Great! I am grateful for these classes and the wonderful facilitators who guide the group!

Joanne Cirocco

I love joining these Zooms. It takes away any stress that I unknowingly might be carrying. And keeps me consistent within the effort of meditating.

Nasheba Sanderson

Thank you for being there and doing these classes! They helped me begin to take care of myself and not just be a care-giver.

Sue Barnaba

Transform Your Life, Heal Your Inner Child

Register now to unlock rejuvenation and your healed heart!

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