Past Retreats

World Meditation Day

May 21, 2021 | 9AM-9:30AM ET | 6AM-6:45AM PT

Join us on World Meditation Day as people from all over the globe come together at the same time to meditate. A powerful energy to be sending out to the planet!

We can come to a place where we do not see the differences between each other but feel our oneness. This World Meditation Day should prove to be an unforgettable experience to bring us closer together and closer to nature, and the universe. Experience how meditation can bring you unconditional peace, clarity of mind, and increased energy.

Awaken to Life Meditation Retreat

April 17, 2021 | 2PM-5PM ET | 11PM–2PM PT

It's time to spring up and come out of hibernation from the winter. The dormant season is over. Join us for a meditation retreat to energize your soul with a powerful type of meditation, yoga, dance exercise and discussions.

How can we awaken from our dream world? We live in our mind world built from our life experiences and are asleep to the real world. When we come out of that mind world and see the world as it is, it is like a true rebirth - a liberating and joyful experience.

Health Reset and Restart Retreat

March 13, 2021 | 2PM-5PM ET | 11PM–2PM PT

Healthy living demystified! This retreat will give you the tools to achieve your best health for body, mind, and spirit. Meditation is scientifically proven and extremely effective in eliminating stressors and improving health.

We explain how meditation lengthens lifespan by bringing optimal energy and health, unconditional peace, and clarity of mind. In addition to meditation, our program includes professional nutritional advice, dance exercise, yoga, a hilarious laughing exercise, valuable health tips, and more.

Valentine's Day Meditation Retreat

February 13, 2021 | 2PM-5PM ET | 11AM–2PM PT

True love is without conditions, a love that is all accepting and without judgement. Yet for us humans it is hard to have this true love because of all the different minds that we carry.

Before you can have true love, you must have a true mind, and our program starts with showing you how to get started. Then we will take a break and do some dance exercise and some musical entertainment. After the break we will go back to the meditation that clears your mind and opens your heart.

New Year's Meditation Retreat

January 16, 2021 | 2 - 5pm EST 11am – 2pm PST

On January 16th, let’s overcome the obstacles in our mind to let go of the past and open up to a new experience of 2021.

Why is it so hard for us to create lasting change? Changing our minds through meditation, can change our whole life. We can be freed from old conceptions and habits that were controlling us and experience the world in a new, exciting way.

A portion of proceeds will be donated to No Kids Hungry and World Central Kitchen.

Holiday Meditation Retreat

December 19, 2020 | 2PM-5PM ET | 11AM-2PM PT

The Holidays are here again, and we are looking forward to gathering with our family and friends for joyful times together.

Our program starts with introducing you to a meditation method that will allow you to clear negative minds and find your True self, which is naturally happy. Then we will take a break and do some exercise that gently works out every muscle in your body and some musical entertainment. Then, we will go back to meditation focusing on bringing harmony and acceptance into our hearts.

Grateful Friday

November 27, 2020 | 2PM-5PM ET | 11AM-2PM PT

Start the holidays off with a grateful mind.

Please join us for a Grateful Friday celebration, a day to deepen our level of thankfulness. We are having an online meditation retreat on Friday November 27th from 2pm-5pm EST (11am-2pm PST). The perfect way to unwind after your hectic Black Friday shopping or to prepare for it.

So come and be a part of our Grateful Friday Retreat and enjoy a feast that will both fill the spirit and lighten the mind.
